Wednesday, February 21, 2007


China Hong Xing will be announcing their FY06 on the 26th Feb 2007.

Sino-Env will be announcing their results on the 28th Feb 2007.

Stay updated. I'm expecting results that meet, or exceed expectations.


Anonymous said...

sino env annoucning result on 27th.

Anonymous said...

sino env annoucning result on 27th.

Anonymous said...

Hi pehon,

What are the expectations for China Hong and Sino-Env ? I will also be analyzing the results and the MD&A and see if we can exchange pointers.

Not vested in either China Hong or Sino-Env, just doing it as practice. :)

Anonymous said...

Under current conditions, I really think it is no longer enough to just meet expectations. In any case, the corelation between result and share price is less direct. Noble group profit dropped but the share price increase?? OCBC and DBS report record earnings but still get sell down.

So where the relevance? Probably only for the long term investor looking for signs of substainability.

PeHon said...


i warn against companies that do not have the results, but never the less, still appreciate in price.

This kinda of trend mimics the .com bust, where companies have no results to show but prices keep going up. When the time comes, the bubble will burst.

Its only for short term speculating

PeHon said...

i've taken a look at noble, fy profitsdown but 4q profits went up so thats the reason why prices went up. Hope that nxt year will be better.

Anonymous said...

I will be observing China Hong and Sino-Env with much interest this coming week (not vested). The important thing for me is the earnings potential and prospects as you have mentioned rather than the FY 2006 figures taken at face value as these are historical in nature.

China Energy reported a strong set of results on Saturday 24th Feb. Jiutian is also reporting good results but at current price, P/E is a very lofty 40+x. I am not considering entering either China Energy or Jiutian.